February proved to be a very, very full month. For starters, we began boxing up all non-essencials in preparation for expanding our 1,000 square-foot Christmas Cabin to over twice it's size. It's getting real!
Our bright, witty, introspective eight-year-old turned nine (and daddy massively hammed up the birthday song, as you can see).
We made 95 Valentines. It was fun, at first...
There are currently 400 seedlings growing in our bedroom and kitchen table. There's gotta be some way to convince my husband that we would make great use of a greenhouse. Tehe.

Spring has officially sprung here on the Riddle Ranch. I am enjoying the glorious weather and still continuing to pray for rain. It's just been too dry. That water on my favorite daffodils is from the sprinklers which have been irrigating our land since January, which is supposed to be our wettest month. Come on, rain! Get on over here!
I discovered the phone app, Vine. If you're ever hankering for some video footage of this place and all that's going on, that's where you'll find it. Oh, and our baby is walking. This is also documented on Vine. Oh my.
It seems like we just rang in the new year a couple weeks ago. How can tomorrow be the first day of March? I hope your February was full of love and your March will be bursting with signs of new life, vibrant colors, and shared with loved ones. If you'll excuse me, it's time for another lamb feeding and well, there's always the dishes. Maybe I should plant more seeds indoors?
I'm sharing this at Simple Lives Thursday.