
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Weekly Menu Plan #59 ~ Wintry Dishes

Plain yogurt, maple syrup, & frozen raspberries for a quick, beautiful, delicious breakfast.
Right about now is when I start to long for late spring.  Don't get me wrong, there's so much about winter that I love, but I sure do miss all the fresh produce options that the warmer days bring.  For now, we eat more foods that are easily stored and enjoyed over the cold season.  We use more dried legumes, cold-hardy greens, potatoes, yams, meat, and rice than usual.  As special treats, we sprinkle frozen berries from the summer onto yogurt and into smoothies to hold us over.  June couldn't come soon enough; we are running low on blueberries which is a travesty for our seven-year-old who would probably live off of them if we let her.  So next year, we'll be sure to pick several pounds more and really make the annual blueberry farm trip count.

To do: make yogurt, thaw chicken stock for Wednesday
Breakfast:  Porridge & Eggs
Lunch:  GF Turkey & Cheese Sandwiches, Orange Slices, Almonds, Dates

Lunch:  Hummus, Carrot Slices, Raisins, Raw Cheese, Almonds
Dinner:  Slow Cooker Lemon Herb Chicken, Seasoned & Braised Broccoli Raab (recipe coming soon)

Breakfast: Yogurt with Frozen Berries & Maple Syrup (pictured above)
Lunch:  Hard Boiled Egg, Ants on a Log, Raw Cheese, Mandarin Orange

Lunch:  Rice Tortillas wraps with cream cheese, turkey, & cranberry sauce; Almonds, Oranges
Snack:  Mustard Greens, Fennel, Carrot, Apple Juice
Dinner:  Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Spinach Pesto for Dipping, Leftover Chicken from Tuesday

Breakfast:  GF Crepes
Lunch:  Nut butter or lunch meat wraps with leftover crepes
Dinner:  Raclette and Salad

Lunch:  Leftovers
Dinner:  Leftovers
(Sunday is my day off)

I"m sharing this at Simple Lives ThursdayMeal Plan Monday.


  1. Love the menu!! Love the pumpkin muffins and cookies!! :-) Do you pack your kids lunches with what you have listed for lunch, or do you pack something else? I have a hard time figuring out snacks that fill them up and that they will eat.
    Thank you for your site!!!!

  2. I'm so glad you like the menus. :) I'm actually going to share my lunch-packing techniques next Friday, so stay tuned. :)

  3. Great!! I can't wait! All three of my kids would never eat cookies when I made them with oats. I made these ones listed above, and all of them loved them!!! Yay!! Thank you!


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