
Friday, December 14, 2012

Healthy Cookie Dough Balls ~ A Raw, Gluten-Free, GAPS & Paleo Recipe

Picnics, park days, camping, work, school, home, road trips...  these little treats beckon you beneath their lidded containers with their siren call of the cookie dough.  Come and partake.  We are doughy and sweet and healthy.  Who can deny the power of cookie dough?  Once you slap a good-for-you label on them (because they really are), all hindrances fade away and you are left with happiness and sticky hands.

We make a batch of these delicious, protein-packed bites every week.  My kids don't even like almond butter, but I buy it in bulk because they adore these treats.  I know there are millions of cookie dough bite recipes out there, but frankly I'm tired of trying to remember how I make mine, so on the blog they go.  Other recipes are so cute and tiny.  We mow through them before the sun sets.  This recipe lasts us a whopping two days.  The superfood that is the chia seed not only absorbs the moisture and holds them together brilliantly, they also impart a yummy taste that reminds us of halva, one of our favorite desserts.  If you have never heard of halva, I shed a tear for you and for the sake of your well-being, will post a recipe for it soon.  In the meantime, do the world a favor and make a batch of cookie dough bites.  They will make you happy and in turn the world will be a better place.  It's for mankind, really.

Healthy Cookie Dough Balls
Prep time: 15 minutes, makes 24 balls

  1. Place all ingredients except chocolate chips in food processor.  Process until well-combined (about 1 minute).
  2. Add chocolate chips to the processor and pulse until mixed in (about 5 seconds.  You can distribute the chips more evenly while making the balls).
  3. Form dough into 1-inch-thick balls.  Store in a lidded container in the fridge.


  1. Those look (and sound) wonderful! Where do you purchase your almond butter?

  2. Thank you! We love them around here. :) I wait for almond butter to go on sale through and then buy a 9-pound bucket of it. It freezes well, so I divvy it up among 5 quart-sized mason jars and pull one out of the freezer when needed.

  3. I just made these yesterday (had to use peanut butter because we have no almond butter right now) and my kids LOVED them! My 4 year old keeps asking me all through the day for raw cookies. The only downside is chia seeds that get stuck in my teeth and then reappear randomly as little gelatinous wanderers if I fail to brush my teeth immediately after enjoying them. LOL

  4. I'm so glad you like them! We have had problems similar with the chia seeds. Haha! It sometimes helps to run the through a coffee grinder first to break them up into a meal.

  5. Hooray, a fellow halva eater! :) I hope you like these bites, too! :)

  6. These look great. Thanks for sharing. How much do you save by waiting for the almond butter to go on sale? And can you use anything else besides coconut flour? I have unsweetened dried coconut, but no coconut flour. I'm not even sure where to get coconut flour, but I bet you probably have a link showing me. Your blog is so very well organized. Thank you for that :)

  7. I finally got around to making these today and they are DELISH. So yummy and rich that you only need one. My family loves them. Thanks for the great recipe!

  8. Just made these! Didn't have enough almond butter, so substituted for some almond four plus coconut oil :) Very tasty, indeed!

  9. Have you ever tried to use a different flour? Would it work with almond flour? Thanks!

  10. These are great! I sub almond flour and roll the balls of dough in coconut to finish (as opposed to mixing the coconut in). Have also subbed agave for honey to great results. I have also used cocoa powder to reduce the amount of chocolate chips. They turn out great even with substitutions.

  11. These are fantastic! Just realized that I forgot the coconut, but I guess I didn't miss it. I used raisins (soaked in hot water for about 15 min) instead of chocolate chips and they were super yummy. Thank you so much for saved me from being a sad bridesmaid this weekend!


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