- Cancer
- Developmental/reproductive toxicity
- Allergies and immunotoxicity
- Neurotoxicity
- Endocrine disruption
- Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive)
- Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs)
- Biochemical or cellular level changes
The first place I checked was the ever reliable Tropical Traditions and they didn't disappoint. There, I found thyme-extract-based hand sanitizer. Finding a solution was easier than I thought! To make it even more affordable, I can utilize their new 10% off coupon code (with a minimum $16 purchase): 21282.
I plan on having a steady supply and will keep one in my purse (which is currently a diaper bag) and for those above-mentioned day trips to pumpkin patches, you-picks, fishing trips, hikes, and parks for when it's time for a yummy picnic lunch. I also plan to ask my child's teacher if he wouldn't mind that I supply all of his hand-sanitizing needs for the year with it (and explain to him why I think it's important enough to make this kind of financial investment to protect the whole class). I totally understand his desire to keep germs at bay. His wife just had a baby and I wouldn't want my husband bringing home all kinds of germs, either. I have an infant of my own that I want to protect.
One of the blog's kind Facebook followers provided a link to a recipe for homemade hand sanitizer that I thought I'd also pass along. I haven't made it yet so am unable to personally recommend it, but the ingredients look clean.
Here's to a healthy school year, both at home, outdoors, and in class!

i so wish i had known this before i bought ours. I figured there was no way around it since it was on the school list. =/