Sunday, June 3, 2012

Real Food Weekly Menu Plan #30 ~ Looks Like Summer!

Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, oh my!  Although most of the country might still be in the throws of springtime greens, here in the west we're already receiving the bounty of summer.  Fret not, cool weather friends.  Your day is coming.  Take a look at these recipes and tuck them away for the coming months.  Speaking of cold weather, we are about to be blessed with a cold front Monday and Tuesday.  Make way for some baked goodness!  As a side note, I know the "recipes coming soon" are really building up.  I promise to work on getting them published, but as mentioned last week, the children are all growing so fast, I've been a bit captivated by them and it hasn't left room for much else.   Now that the littlest is sleeping through the night, I might be able to slip a recipe or two in while they sleep, so stay tuned.  Also?  I'm feeling French-ish.  Maybe it's from reading this book.  You'll see what I mean when you look at this week's chosen recipes.

To do: soak baked oatmeal
Lunch:  Beefy Nacho Dip with fresh tomatoes & avocado
Snack:  Peaches & Cream Smoothie (recipe coming soon)
Dinner:  Grandma Riddle's Green Beans (gluten-free version) Yep.  That's all we're eating.  Tons of it!

To do: soak sourdough flatbread
Lunch:  Sourdough Caprese Sandwiches
Snack:  Sugar(less)plum Smoothie (recipe coming soon)
Dinner:  Heavy Veggie Pizza with Grain-Free Crust & Raw Lavender Lemonade (recipe coming soon)

To do: make sourdough flatbread
Breakfast:  Poached Eggs over Melted Cheese, Wilted Chard, & Fresh Tomato & Avocado
Lunch:  Verrines Avocat, Fromage Blanc, Saumon Fumé (using kefir instead of fromage blanc)
Dinner:  Chicken Fricassee with Tarragon (modified & GF), Salad

To do:
Breakfast:  Strawberry Verrines (recipe coming soon)
Dinner:  Lemon Cream Sauce over Pan Fried Sole & Summer Squash (using almond flour for breading)

To do: soak sourdough pancakes
Breakfast:  Cherry Verrines (recipe coming soon)

Breakfast:  Pancake Bar
Lunch:  Pancake Sandwiches
Snack:  Cherry Smoothie (recipe coming soon)

To do: menu plan
Breakfast:  Eggs & Hashed Browns
Lunch: Leftovers
Dinner:  Leftovers
(Sunday is my day off)

I'm sharing this at Monday Mania, Fight Back Friday.


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