Monday, March 26, 2012

Sourdough Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

Sourdough cinnamon roll pancakes have quickly become a breakfast favorite around here.  I can't take credit for this brilliant idea.  I found it here, but I needed to healthy-fy it.  You can use your favorite pancake batter (we use this one).  Here are the other modifications I made:

For the Cinnamon swirl
Mix all ingredients well.  Put mixture in a cake decorating tube or a zip lock bag with the tip of a corner cut out.

For the glaze
Whisk all ingredients together.

To assemble the cinnamon roll pancakes:
  1. Prepare chosen batter as usual.  Pour batter into hot, buttered pan.  Once the cakes begin to form bubbles that don't close up, squeeze the cinnamon mixture in a spiral, then flip the pancakes and finish cooking.
  2. Right before serving, use a spoon to drizzle the glaze over the pancakes.


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