
Friday, March 30, 2012

How to Stock the Freezer for Busy Seasons

Several readers have asked that I put together a list of what I stocked our freezer with before baby arrived.  I've become a big fan of having a full freezer to pull from.  It takes the temptation away of getting take-out and brings grace to those days when I'm feeling too wiped out to make meals (which is many a time with little infant man, here).  Without further ado, here are some things I've found helpful to pull out of my freezer during those busy, tiresome days:

**Hint: when making any of these recipes to eat right away, simply prepare a double or triple batch and stick the extras in the freezer.  Without having to set aside an extra kitchen session, your freezer will fill up in no time.**

Waking up (if you can call it that) to "starving" children after nursing every two hours all night long can be... rough.  The solution?  Stashing some of these dishes in the freezer to quickly defrost and serve.

Sourdough PancakesEnglish muffins, and bagels, and grain-free waffles.  Just stick 'em in the toaster to defrost and viola!  Breaky.  These grain-free orange muffins freeze well, too.

We keep a supply of a variety of crispy nuts (nuts soaked in saltwater for 24 hours, then dehydrated until crispy) and seeds in the freezer.  The kids can grab them whenever they're hungry.  We also have frozen berries on hand.  Freezing smoothies in popsicle moulds is a happy, healthy treat, as well.  Here are some smoothie recipes you can try.  In the fridge, I'll keep a supply of sliced organic, raw cheese that's easy to grab and nibble.  We also have a steady supply of in-season fruit in a bowl that's easy to snack on.

Our freezer almost always has jars of refried beans in it.  Thaw them out and you (or your kids) can make quesorritos, a quick and hearty meal.
  • Sourdough flat bread.  These freeze well and can be taken straight from the freezer and thawed on the stovetop burner to be used for any kind of sandwich.
  • Gluten-Free Chicken Nuggets.  Cook them up and tuck them away in the freezer.  Reheat in a 425º oven for 12 minutes.

  • Slow cooker chuck roast supreme.  Cook this up, shred it, and freeze it.  Thaw it out and throw it on top of lettuce, wrap it up in a tortilla with cheese, or just eat it with a fork.
  • Soups.  Make a big pot and freeze some for later.  We do this on a weekly basis.
  • Chicken Enchiladas.  Pull them out of the freezer, stick them in the oven, turn it to 350º, and bake for 45 minutes.  Dinner is served.
  • Meatballs.  Make these gluten-free by using almond flour instead of breadcrumbs.  Bake and freeze for later.  Thaw and use in sandwiches, with rice noodles, or by themselves.
  • Taco meat.  Freeze in 1-pound containers to thaw out for, well, tacos, or to throw on top of lettuce for a quick meal.
I hope this is a helpful list to pull from.  May it bring you grace and peace during soccer season, the holidays, harvest time, when you welcome a new baby to your home, or any other busy time of life.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sourdough Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

Sourdough cinnamon roll pancakes have quickly become a breakfast favorite around here.  I can't take credit for this brilliant idea.  I found it here, but I needed to healthy-fy it.  You can use your favorite pancake batter (we use this one).  Here are the other modifications I made:

For the Cinnamon swirl
Mix all ingredients well.  Put mixture in a cake decorating tube or a zip lock bag with the tip of a corner cut out.

For the glaze
Whisk all ingredients together.

To assemble the cinnamon roll pancakes:
  1. Prepare chosen batter as usual.  Pour batter into hot, buttered pan.  Once the cakes begin to form bubbles that don't close up, squeeze the cinnamon mixture in a spiral, then flip the pancakes and finish cooking.
  2. Right before serving, use a spoon to drizzle the glaze over the pancakes.

Friday, March 23, 2012

3-Minute Homemade Deodorant Recipe

"Mom!  Smell my armpits!  I'm smelly!  I need deodorant!"  
"Ew.  No thank you.  Are you sure you need deodorant?  I don't smell anything."
"I'm sure!  All my friends already wear it!"
My ten-year-old is the opposite of me when it comes to rites of passages like wearing deodorant.  When I was ten, I liked being girly sometimes, but I loved the fact that I was the fastest, tallest, and strongest kid in my class, even compared to the boys.  Nation ball was my favorite.  I was the best; always picked first and out last.  My, was I proud of that.  The deodorant convo between my mom and I happened more like this:
I just got in the car after winning a rad game of Nation.
Mom: "Oh my gosh, Katie.  It's time for you to wear deodorant."
Me: "What?  I don't smell anything."
Mom: "Well I do.  Big time."
Me: Grumbling sounds.

I've become a bit more self-aware and realize when certain deodorants don't work.  Which is just about every natural, non-toxic kind out there.  As a last effort before reverting back to toxic anti-persperant for the sake of mankind, I tried making my own stuff.  I had serious doubts, but it worked.  Even though it only takes a few minutes to make, I couldn't get myself to make it while I was pregnant.  Big mistake.  Sorry, humanity.  

My daughter's newfound excitement about deodorant encouraged me to whip up a new batch of the homemade goodness.  Our pits are very porous and absorb whatever you put on them, so staying away from anything with aluminum, and even lots of "natural" deodorants (that may contain parabens, phthalates, propylene glycol, and other toxins) is really beneficial to our health.  Tea tree oil lends it's anti-fungal, antimicrobial, antibacterial properties to keep us clean and smell-free.  This recipe is especially quick to make in the summertime when the coconut oil is already liquified.

Homemade Deodorant
Makes about 1 cup
  1. If coconut oil is solid, melt it on very low heat.  Mix in baking soda.  Add tea tree oil and other essential oil of choice.  Mix well.  Pour into a glass jar and place a lid on it for storage, or clean out an old deodorant container and pour your mixture into that.  If storing it in a deodorant container, unless your house is cooler than 74º, keep it in the refrigerator so it solidifies.  If storing it in a bowl, apply using fingertips.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How to Bless a New Mama (or a Family Needing Extra Support)

I've been extremely and overwhelmingly blessed with amazing friends who really lend support during those first few weeks after having a baby.  Whether it's a new baby, an operation, or a loss, these are things I've learned from my friends and wanted to share with you ways we can bless families in need of extra love in our lives:
  • Set up a meal train.  This is a free website where you can organize meals for the family.  You can set it up for every day, every other day, or whatever the mother would find helpful. There's a place to list allergies and food preferences, and really it's the easiest way to set up and manage meals.
  • When bringing a meal, include all the trimmings (if your grocery budget allows).  *Obviously, a simple meal is still a huge blessing and better than no meal at all.  Staying within our grocery budgets is important, so don't be ashamed to work with what you have.*  After I had my first child, our La Leche League leaders imparted the value of really spoiling our friends we bring dinners to.  We usually steer clear of disposables, but in a special situation like this, getting everything you need (containers the food comes in, plates, flatware, napkins, cups, etc.) is heavenly.  It means no clean up for the family.  Adding a little something like a bottle of sparkling cider, a dessert, or even something for breakfast the next day is a great way to lavish love on your friends.
  • Order a Healthy Surprise box.  Is life too full to squeeze in making and bringing over a meal to your friends?  Do you have a family you'd like to show love to that lives far away?  These Healthy Surprise boxes come in all different sizes to fit any sized family's needs, and every snack is gluten-free (and organic whenever possible).  While I don't endorse these snacks as a long term solution, they would be a Godsend when the family just can't spend as much time in the kitchen as they might like.  Although you can sign up for a monthly delivery, you can also order a one-time gift.  One of these boxes could make a great baby shower gift; especially for a family with older kids.  Also?  The shipping is free.
  • Offering to play with the family's older children, or taking them out for play dates.  I can have a hard time receiving help.  Not because I think I can do it all, but because I don't want to put anyone out.  It's a brokenness I'm not proud of.  I'm working on it, I promise.  If your friends struggle with the same thing, be persistent.  Ask them what would be helpful.  Running errands?  Bussing kids to classes?  Don't give them the option to turn help away, give them choices to pick from.  
  • Check in.  Send them a little text with a sweet word.  Let them know they are loved.  If they are struggling with postpartum depression, a loss, or a hard time, it's easy to become isolated and slip into a very unhealthy place.  Send them a simple text just letting them know you're thinking of them.  Drop them a little email.  It doesn't always have to be a phone call or a visit, sometimes a sensitive, quiet line of encouragement is just what the doctor ordered.
  • Be sensitive.  Being persistent in offering help and learning how to give space can be really tricky.  Sometimes, especially if a family is grieving a loss, it's good to give them some time to regroup and gently re-offer help later, but it's important that they know you haven't forgotten them.
Community is so very important, and loving on families in need not only fills our hearts with happiness, it's so pleasing to our Heavenly Father.  As parents, we can relate; doesn't it feel good when our kids are considerate to each other?

I'm sharing this at Simple Lives Thursday, Pennywise Platter.

Friday, March 16, 2012

7 Things Learned with the Fifth Baby

This might have been our fifth birth, but I learned a lot of new things, like:
  • When I feel sick and tired (especially during the first trimester), I will feel even more sick and tired if I try and muscle through instead of giving in to a nap.
  • Eating a high (good) fat, real food diet, low in grains, actually made me gain less weight than any other pregnancies.
  • Pregnancy prep herbal tea works.  I avoided pregnancy teas with my other four because every ingredient was a uterine contractor and can send early pregnancies into miscarriage, but I did some reading this time around, and learned it's best to start drinking it at 31 weeks, working up to three to four cups a day.  The tea linked above has alfalfa included in it which is said to help prevent hemorrhaging after the birth.  All I know is I bled remarkably less with this pregnancy, and doctors told me women are more likely to bleed out the more babies they have.  I continued drinking it after the birth and I'm having a really smooth recovery.  Yay for alfalfa!
  • When you are speed walking around the trampoline with your kids to encourage labor and your parents are watching, your dad might get video footage of it and forever hold it ransom.  Be warned.
  • Staying vertical as long as possible can help speed labor up.  When I had hospital births, I always got so frustrated that contractions seemed to slow way down or even stop once I had to lay down so they could hook me up to the monitors.  With this labor, I was standing, walking, or sitting on a birthing ball until it was time to push, and I went from zero centimeters to holding my baby in four hours; much faster than the other four labors.
  • Having a home birth really brings things... home.  My oldest son ran to the kitchen sink to wash his hands so he could hold his new baby brother, only to find a placenta in a bowl, sitting in the sink basin.  All the color rushed out of his face and he quiveringly whispered, "Is that like... blood or something?"  A half hour later he said, "I'm finally not woozy anymore from that... I can't even say the word.  The 'p' thing."  That day's homeschooling lesson was entitled, "Hands-On Childbirth."  Just kidding.
  • It really is easier having a newborn with older, capable siblings eager to help with the baby.  Moms of big families assured me of this when I was "in the trenches" with three kids three and under.  I know what they mean now.  Many hands makes the work light.  And happy.
You might think I'd have it all figured out by the fifth child, but it goes to show you can learn something new with every new baby.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gluten-Free Real Food for St. Patty's Day

We enjoy celebrating Saint Patrick.  Being a sterio-typical home school mom, I get giddy about rediscovering our heritage and turning anything possible into a (hopefully) enjoyable learning experience.  Saint Patrick's story is truly beautiful.  This Scotsman of high-ranking blood was held captive by the Irish for several years.  Eventually, he escaped, only to be divinely called back to the Irish to share the Gospel to his old enemies.  Instead of being offended by their ugly druid culture, he used  several of their symbols to help them understand the Truth.  Many were lead to the LORD through Saint Patrick's love and obedience to his calling.  To read more about Saint Patrick, check this site out or do a Google search of your own.

If you didn't get the chance to cure your own corned beef or ferment your own sauerkraut  in honor of Saint Patrick this Saturday, you're not alone.  At this point, driving to the butcher feels overwhelming to me, but I'm going to try to push through (or beg a friend to make the trip for me), because Kent the grass-fed beef butcher makes a mean corned beef and I can't stop thinking about it.

Here are a few simple, real food recipes we are using or have used in the past on Saint Patrick's day:
Much love to you all, and a lovely Saint Patrick's day to ya (said in my best Irish accent).

I'm sharing this at Pennywise Platter, Simple Lives Thursday, Fight Back Friday.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Joseph's Story

I've been itching to write this post for a week, looking for a chance to sit alone and really pour out this sacred experience in words.  It's taken a week to realize that's not going to happen.  So I sit here, nursing this precious new babe and typing with one hand, remembering what life is like with an infant.  It's about allowing life to flow, and you go with it, and you giggle at all the typos you have to fix because you only have one hand to work with, and you don't wait for that "perfect time" because you might miss an entire season waiting for it.  So you just smile at all the sweetness and plug away through any difficulties.

Six months before conceiving little Joseph, I had a dream I was taking Christmas pictures of the children on our lawn.  They were lined up from oldest to youngest, and at the end of the line was a fifth  child.  A little boy.  He was wearing a turquoise and black sweater I had knitted him.  I tucked that little dream away.  After that, about a dozen people, some close friends, others perfect strangers from all over the country came up to us and all said the same thing: "I don't usually do this, but I had a dream (or vision) that you had a baby boy."  Some had no idea that we were even trying for a baby.  When we found out we were expecting, I thought here comes our second son!  Here comes the brother that our only son has been praying for for over four years!

At 22 weeks, we had an ultrasound.  Like with the rest of our children, we wanted to find out what we were having.  I'm a planner and I love to prepare.  I was ready for them to tell us what we already knew: we were having a boy.  But the umbilical cord was in between the baby's legs, and the tech said he wasn't sure because the cord was in the way, but his guess was a girl.  He must have been pretty sure though, because he called the baby a girl for the rest of the ultrasound.  I got dizzy.  A girl?  That didn't make any sense.

We spent the next few days processing.  We weren't at all opposed to having a fourth girl.  We adore our girls.  We'd love another one.  But what about all those dreams and words about a boy?  What will happen to our oldest son's heart who's been praying so sincerely for a little brother for so long?  How do we help him navigate through this?  We decided that even though the results weren't conclusive, we weren't going to have another ultrasound and that this baby was going to be a surprise, and were glad to have gone through the process we had.  We were ready to love the stuffing out of another daughter if that's what we were given.  But I never felt a peace in calling the baby "she," because the ultrasound didn't feel exact enough.

When it was time for the baby to come into the world, Jeremy and I readied a few name choices.  We seemed to land on Emma Louise if it was a girl.  "But what if it's a boy?"  I asked Jeremy.  "Chances of it being a boy are so small.  If it is a boy, it'll be easy to think up a good, strong name for him." was his answer.

I started experiencing strong contractions one Sunday afternoon.  They were five minutes apart and lasted a couple hours.  I felt panic-y that my parents weren't here yet and felt a huge urge to communicate that to them so they could make plans for the nine-hour drive up here as soon as possible. They heard it loud and clear and started the drive two hours later.  Then the contractions stopped and I got nervous.  They only had a week to be here.  What if they miss the birth entirely?  They've been with us for every one.  The thought was too much, so I started walking.  A lot.  Every day.

Every morning, I woke up more and more teary-eyed.  The days with my parents were so sweet, and I was so thankful to spend time with them before recovery from the birth, but still no baby.  The day before they had to leave, they asked if we would be okay with them staying three extra days.  It felt too good to be true.  I was thrilled to have more time.  So we walked miles every day.

One night, I kept having this strange dream, or more like a picture, of four fours lined up in a row.  I saw it over and over again.  The next morning, I woke up with strong contractions.  It wasn't the first time it had happened, but this time it was at 4:00 in the morning.  Could it have to do with one of the fours in my dreams?  An hour later, I woke Jeremy up, alerting him that this was probably "it," and after another hour of continual, strong contractions, we called the midwife and told my parents.  At 8:00 (four hours later, could it be the the second four in that crazy dream?), the midwife checked my progress.  I was 100% effaced and... zero centimeters dilated.  My heart sank.  I felt horrible for sounding the alarm.  The midwife went home.  But I knew I was in early labor.  So Jeremy and I walked some more.  My dear friend brought over a birthing ball for me to sit on and prayed for a timely birth.  And we walked even more.  

At the end of our last walk, I knew I had entered into active labor.  Contractions were strong and two minutes apart, sometimes closer.  I needed to sit.  Jeremy called the midwife.  My water broke.  Jer called the midwife again (who was already on her way).  She checked me at 11:00.  I was trembling and it felt like transition.  I was at 4/5 centimeters.  Into the shower I went.  Contractions were right on top of each other.  Then, I started to push.  I literally crawled to our bed.  

When it comes time to push the baby out, I let out a sound that only happens while giving birth.  Jeremy calls it the Braveheart Yell.  I don't even think I could mimic it now if I tried.  I told the kids about it, and that they shouldn't be afraid when they hear it because it meant the baby was coming out.  My oldest still wanted to be there for the birth.  The others wanted "to be at the North Pole or down the hill."  They wanted nothing to do with it.  I felt myself trying to protect them from my primal noises and Jeremy sensed it, so he quietly stepped out and asked my dad to take them outside to play for a little while.  

It was time.  I looked up and saw my mom and daughter in the corner, ready to see the baby.  I was still nervous about exposing my ten-year-old to the Braveheart Yell, but I had no choice.  Out it erupted, and out came a little head.  Braveheart Yell number two: out came half of the little baby.  At 12:37pm and with one final Braveheart Yell, our baby was born.  From the time I was at zero centimeters to birth, it was four hours (the third four from that strange dream).

I looked at Jeremy.  His face flushed and his eyes grew huge.   "It's a BOY!'  he yelled.  Laughter absolutely erupted from everyone in the room.  Jeremy ran out to tell our son that he had a brother.  Quickly, all four kids came into the bedroom.  Our son, iPhone in hand, took care of the media and captured pictures and videos.  Everyone got to see the baby get weighed and measured.

Getting weighed

Getting measured
A half hour after the birth, after checking baby and I, and after I took a shower, the midwife and her apprentice cleaned up, packed up, and said goodbye.  And just like that, we were a family of seven, all at home, admiring this little baby boy.

I have nothing against hospital births.  I had four of them.  But if you are able to have a home birth, I can't tell you how much I loved it.  It was so... natural.  And I'll be honest, not having nurses wake me up in the middle of the night to check things and sleeping and recovering in my own bed with my kids popping in throughout the day for a quick hug was absolutely heavenly.

It was time to captures some moments.

A dad and his sons

The two littlest and Daddy
Sweet, amazing, biggest sister

A proud big sister

Mama and the two littlest
We needed a name.  It proved to be harder for us to name a baby once he was born.  We went through lists and lists of names.  Then our kids came into the room and declared, "We have a name!"  Seeing as the last time one of the kids had a name chosen that it was Chihuahua Baby, I was expecting something similar and readied a merciful rejection.  When I asked them what the name was, they said, "Joseph!"  Jer and I looked at each other.  Joseph wasn't even on our radar.  But it was working.  So went with it.  The middle name was an easy one.  He shares daddy's middle name, and he was named Joseph Michael.  Our four kids found his name.  Ah!  The fourth four from that crazy "four" dream!  

So many dreams surround the coming of baby Joseph.  It's kind of fitting that Joseph is his name, isn't it?  Now, I best learn how to knit, find some organic turquoise and black yarn, and make him a sweater before it's time for Christmas pictures...

And now, my one typing hand is tired, but not as tired as my eyes.  Baby has fallen asleep, and I am going to join him.  Sweet dreams, baby Joseph.

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Tale of the Woman Who Craved ~ A 2-Minute Sipping Chocolate Recipe

Once, there was a pregnant mother who was very full-term.  One day, this woman of great girth craved chocolate.  Cake, cookies, fudge, and pudding.  She wanted it all, but her large, with-child middle rendered her energyless to make such things, so she made something new that only required her to be on her feet for two minutes.  The creation was too thin to be a pudding, too thick to be a milk, and to warm to be a shake.  It was so rich, however, that she could only sip the new decadence and not guzzle it down in one gulp.  That's when she gave the creation it's name: Sipping Chocolate.  Hesitantly (because she wanted all five cups to herself but she knew that much richness would render her sick), she shared with her four children.  Their eyes lit up with delight and after sipping their cups clean, began to lick what remnants were left.  This mysterious treat has been kept a secret.  Until now.  For the first time in history, this gluten-free, dairy-free sipping chocolate is being revealed.

If you're craving some dairy-free chocolate ice cream goodness, pour this recipe into an ice cream maker and see what happens.  I'll give you a hint: it might change your life.

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free 2-Minute Sipping Chocolate
Makes 5 cups
This recipe works best in a high-speed blender like a Vita-Mix, but you can use any blender.  Place all ingredients in the blender and blend on high for 45-60 seconds.  If you'd like it warm, blend it for 2 minutes.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Littlest Riddle

With hearts overflowing with thankfulness and joy, we introduce to you

Joseph Michael Riddle
Born March 5, 2012
8 pounds, 2 ounces
19.5 inches

Joseph's story will be shared very soon.
Thank you for all your kind words of support and prayers through the journey of welcoming this love into the world.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Gluten-Free Apple Cinnamon Coffee Cake ~ A Recipe

So... I know coffee cake usually has some sort of a crumbly topping, but this lil' dish o' goodness needs no such thing.  It's already plenty sweet and satisfying on it's own, and simplicity is the name of the game.  No one would ever guess it's made with almond flour; even the gluten-free-wary can't help but delight in a square.  Or two.

Gluten-Free Apple Cinnamon Coffee Cake
Prep. time: 5 minutes, cook time: 25 minutes, serves 10
  1. Preheat oven to 350º.  Grease a 9x13 pan.
  2. In a mixing bowl, combine all ingredients but the apples and beat on high for about 1 minute.  Add grated apples and stir on low just until incorporated.
  3. Scrape batter into greased pan and bake for 25 minutes or until the edges are brown and the middle doesn't wiggle.  Cool for about 10 minutes and serve warm.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Menu Plan #20 ~ Keeping it SImple & Real

I'm writing this in a fit of nesting, about two weeks ahead of time.  There's no way of knowing at this point if we'll be eating this as a family of six or seven, but I'm really hoping for seven.  You know the name of the game these days: simple, simple, simple.  

To do:
Lunch:  Sourdough Grilled Cheese Sandwiches & Leftover French Onion Soup from Last Week
Snack:  Leftover Baked Oatmeal & Crispy Almonds
Dinner:  Potage Bonne Femme 

To do: Thaw ground beef for Thursday night
Snack:  Leftover Hummus Flowers and Orange Muffins
Dinner:  Bunless Burgers over salad with Probiotic Ranch Dressing and Perfect Potato Wedges

To do: Soak German Pancakes
Breakfast:  Scrambled Eggs with Organic, Pastured Bacon
Lunch:  Nibble Trays
Snack:  Leftover Nibble Trays
Dinner:  Spaghetti

To do: Soak porridge, thaw cube steak for Saturday night
Snack:  Raw Orange Julius (using kefir instead of milk)
Lunch:  Quesorritos
Snack:  Popcorn
Dinner:  Taco Salad

To do:  Soak Sourdough Pancakes
Breakfast:  Soaked Porridge & Eggs
Snack:  Raw Cranberry Walnut Kefir Smoothies
Snack:  Fried Mush
Dinner:  Rice Pasta With Tomato Cream Sauce with Sausage over Wilted Spinach

Breakfast:  Pancake Bar
Snack:  kefir smoothies
Lunch:  Pancake Sandwiches
Snack:  Raw Apple & Cheese Slices
Dinner:  Chicken Fried Steak with Mashed Potatoes & Gravy (using almond flour instead of wheat flour)

Breakfast:  Gluten-Free Apple Cinnamon Coffee Cake
Snack:  Dates &  Crispy Almonds
Lunch:  Leftovers
Dinner Leftovers
(Sunday is my day off)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Raw Strawberry Lemonade Slushies ~ A Recipe

Usually we think of lemonade as the classic summertime drink.  But lemons have two harvests a year: one in the winter and one in the summertime.  Lemons are a welcome aid to our immune systems, especially during those cold, short days.  Adding some ice to this blended beverage transforms it to a slushy treat.  Normally, I'm not a fan of stevia.  The taste and my tongue don't seem to get along.  Except with this recipe.  It just... works.  Be sure to use green leaf stevia powder and not the white powder (white stevia isn't a whole food, only part of the stevia herb, and has been processed more than the green).  Although this treat will loose it's slushiness after about 30 minutes, the leftovers are still a delicious strawberry lemonade that you can store in your fridge for about 24 hours before it's flavor starts to change.  What I love about this drink (besides it's refreshing deliciousness)?  My kids adore it and I can give them full permission to drink as much as they want since every ingredient is health-promoting.

Raw, Sugar-Free Strawberry Lemonade Slushies
Makes 2 quarts
  • 4 lemons, peeled
  • 1/2 cups strawberries, fresh or frozen
  • 1/2-1 teaspoon stevia
  • 2 cups ice
  • 4 cups water
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend on high for 45-60 seconds, or until thoroughly blended.