
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Two Years

It's Saturday afternoon.  I'm missing my husband as he's on the longest trip we've ever had to endure apart.  There's definitely some extra sentimental emotion churning inside.  The kids and I made our way down to my folk's place yesterday.  As my children wear out Nana and Papa at the park, I sit here in a quiet living room, sipping tea, and eating a slice of (gluten-free) chocolate cake made by my mama.  It's cloudy and cool enough to wear a sweater which postures me in a most cozy, and even reflective mood.  Perhaps because it's actually quiet enough for the first time in a while to reflect?

Looking through some old archives a couple weeks ago, I came to the realization that this little blog of mine is turning two on Tuesday.  It's wild to think what has happened in our lives these past two years.  Riddlelove started shortly after we relocated to Shasta County, California.  We rented a tidy home that sat on one and a half gorgeous acres; more land than we've ever lived on.  It included a few fruit trees and seven raised garden beds, complete with a sprinkler system.  I do believe I weeded and seeded some of those beds the day after we moved in.

The landlords were kind enough to allow us to keep chickens, so Jeremy built a sweet coop,

and we raised a dozen pullets.  Soon, we were eating only eggs laid from our backyard brood and most of the veggies prepared in the kitchen were grown twenty feet from it.  I always wanted to dabble in homesteading.  This little taste of it drew me right in and I remain hopelessly in love.

Two years ago, my three-year-old was a bald little anti-sleeper one-year-old, and I'd even share a picture or two of when sleep actually happened.  Sometimes, in the middle of lunch.

For the first time in a couple years, life felt settled, peaceful, and happy.  We all felt this region was our home.  We loved our first taste of a healthier lifestyle and the community around us that we were enfolded right into.

A year later, we made some severe choices to get out of debt that landed this family of six living in a fifth-wheel on our dear friend's beautiful mountain property where we continued to homeschool, cook traditionally (yes, even in a tiny kitchen), and hang clothes on the line. (No matter the appearance it gave.  Tehe.)

We expected our season in the trailer to last a year, but in eight month's time and with unexpected financial surprises, we were able to purchase what my husband now calls "Riddlelove Ranch," a five-acre bit of paradise, in desperate need to be dug out from ten years of neglect.  The once decrepit home that Jeremy transformed into our cozy cabin sits over three times larger than our trailer living quarters; a whopping 1,000 square feet!  On our new homestead, discovered a year ago and lived in for only the past eight months, dreams are already beginning to come true.

Last year.
June (shearing time)
Now I sit here, beginning a new season with a growing baby in my womb, four children who are now trickling into the living room with a couple of amazing grandparents trailing behind, happy that this is the last long trip my husband will go on, and a heart filled with memories and affection.  Thank you for sharing these past couple of years with me.  Thank you for listening to our processes.  Thank you for trying my recipes to see if they work for your family.  Thank you for your input during our journey into gluten-free, taking a peek at my menu-planning methods, coming along for the ride during our family adventures, and being encouraging in my homesteading endeavors.  You are truly a blessing to my life.  As a special thank you and to celebrate two years of Riddlelove, next week I'll be hosting two giveaways from a couple of my favorite shops.  Until then, friends, have a lovely weekend.

I'm sharing this at Simple Lives Thursday, Barn Hop & Gratituesday.


  1. Wow, that is a lot of ground to cover, quite the adventure.
    Thank you for your blog, I am definitely inspired! Happy Anniversary!

  2. Thank you! Your family is dear to Him. :)

  3. And here is to many, many more wonderful years. Happy weekend back atcha.

  4. How wonderful. Congratulations. You have such wonderful gifts to teach your kids.
    Hope you had a good weekend. Have a great week!

  5. Nice to "hear" your story! Thanks for sharing your recipes as well!

  6. Congratulations! I'd trade 8 months in a 5th wheeler too!

  7. Thank you for sharing your story. It puts a few things in perspective for me, which is something I needed during this time.

  8. Thank you for opening up your heart to share your journey with all of us! You are truly an inspiration to me and I look forward to getting "Riddlelove" in my inbox! May you have another wonderful, amazing 2 more years and lots of years to come! And may God continue to bless you and your wonderful family!!! I'm so thankful for your encouragement and your blog posts! Your awesome and one incredible mama!!!

  9. What a great glad I happened across your blog.


  10. Thank you for such beautifully written posts....for showing the calm within the chaos, and for being a guide to what I aspire to do one day...homeschool, homestead and feed my family well...all while praising The Lord.

  11. just found your blog, loving what your family is doing! we are out of debt and dreaming to do the same... looking for our acreage! blessings!

  12. Thanks for your kind words! I hope you find your land soon!


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