
Monday, September 19, 2011

Riddlelove 2nd Birthday Giveaway Number Two: Water Kefir Grains from Cultures for Health!

We've talked about how easy it is to make and enjoy water kefir.

Pretty kefir grains
I've even shared a little kefir water flavor concoction of my own .

Piña Colada Water Kefir

Now, thanks to Cultures for Health, I offer you a chance to win kefir water grains of your own!  What are you waiting for??  Oh.  Probably how to enter.  Easy!

**Comments Closed!**

All entries are due by Friday afternoon, September 23, 2011, 4:00 PST.  Cultures for Health will choose and contact the winner.

Thank you for joining the Riddlelove 2nd birthday celebration!


  1. Katie have you made a smoothie with water kefir?

  2. the second link didn't work, but the first one did:) Thanks!

  3. No, I usually make smoothies with milk kefir, but I hear water kefir or water/milk kefir smoothies are tasty.

  4. I LOVE my water kefir that I got about a month ago after hearing about it on your blog!!!
