
Monday, September 5, 2011

$50 off How to Make Real Food eCourse

I was hoping to get this posted last week, but alas, schooling, basic homemaking, and constant nausea kept me from it.  Hooray for the second trimester beginning tomorrow!  Maybe I'll be almost like a real person sometime soon.

Back to this eCourse.
You guys.
This is so much more than just a class.  Jenny over at Nourished Kitchen has invested countless hours imparting her hands-on, tried and true wisdom in this course, helping us turn our kitchens into a haven of real food goodness, imparting scrumptious scents, gorgeous colors, and rich and nutritious flavors to all who visit them.  This class includes 100 recipes, 45 interactive videos, and tools to create super helpful lists, like kitchen inventories, shopping lists, and menu plans.  Watch Jenny describe her offerings in this video here:

What do I love about this class?  Well, I've been preparing foods the "real" way (soaking, souring, fermenting, etc.) for several years, but outside of reading Nourishing Traditions, I've taught myself everything I know (which can be scary).  Jenny's class:
  • helps fill in any of my know-how gaps and provides really helpful tips and tricks to aid speeding up some steps and getting my end result to taste even better.
  • shares only in-season recipes, which is a huge help for those who grow their own produce, are subscribed to a CSA, or just wants to enjoy the countless health benefits of eating foods when harvested.  How lovely to find nutrient-dense recipes for all those veggies to go straight into!
  • keeps it cheap and simple.  Ever tried making real food?  Then you know as well as I do how it can destroy your grocery budget.  Jenny guides you through the process of transforming your working space into a real, working kitchen, stocked full of goodness without braking the bank.  Hallelu.
  • provides kid-friendly recipes, without compromising health or taste.  Jenny is a mother and is in no way a stranger to preparing real food dishes children will also enjoy.  I could use a few more of those recipes in my life...
  • shares new, delicious recipes that aren't found in Nourishing Traditions, like 
Fresh Fig Tarts

Orange Creamsicles

and Sourdough Foccacia

I think this course would make a wonderful home ec. class for home schooled families, as well.  How fun would it be to go in on a class with a couple other families and learn together, co-op style?!  Not only would we save money and learn with our children, but we would apply what we learn by preparing the next meal of the day!

Also, if you purchase your membership for this class before September 15th, you can get $50 off.  Bonus!

I hope you find this a helpful resource.  I only share on this blog what we personally use and appreciate here on our homestead, after much research and scrutinization.  Enjoy browsing Jenny's offerings!

1 comment:

  1. I know I'm just finding this post, but I would LOVE to do a co-op with other couples with this! It's such a neat idea! If only I had the time! And love the homeschool option!


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