
Monday, July 11, 2011

Butterscotch Pudding ~ A Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Egg-Free Recipe

After a week of goat-sitting and still getting two gallons of raw cow milk per week from a local, grass-fed dairy, it's probably unnecessary to state the fact that two-thirds of our fridge is filled with milk.  Let's see... what can be made using a lot of milk besides the quart-and-a-half of daily kefir used?  Pudding.  Butterscotch pudding, to be exact.  This is a big recipe, and although we eat it right up in a day's time *burp* any leftovers make great popsicles.  If it's just too much for you, try half a recipe.

Butterscotch Pudding

1 1/2 cup rapadura or sucanat
1/3 cup arrowroot powder (if making half a recipe, use 3 Tbs.)
6 cups milk
2 Tablespoons butter
1 Tablespoon vanilla extract
  1. In a saucepan, stir together rapadura & arrowroot powder. Stir in milk.  Cook over medium heat until thick & bubbly, then cook 2 minutes longer.  Remove from heat.
  2. Stir in butter & vanilla until butter is fully melted.  Serve warm with a splash of cold milk, or chilled.  A dollop of whipped cream on top is also yummy.  Pudding will thicken up after chilling.  It doesn't usually last long enough here for it to reach the chilled phase, though.

I'm sharing this at Monday Mania, Traditional TuesdaysReal Food Wednesday, Simple Lives ThursdayFresh Bites Friday, & Fight Back Friday.


  1. Awesome! Thank you for posting this! My kids love pudding but I want to avoid the sugar. I will try this. We hope to be getting a goat or two ourselves soon. You give me confidence! I love the raw goat milk we are getting now from a local farm and can't wait to learn to make goat milk soap. (Also, congratulations on baby #5! What could be better!)

  2. Wow, you guys get a lot of raw milk. Still trying to figure out the law here and ways around getting raw milk. Anyhow, what a delicious recipe! I've used sucanat for breads, cookies, and frostings, but not a pudding yet.. Thanks for sharing this recipe!

  3. You're welcome! :)


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