
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Happiest News

Dinner was eaten and the supper table was (mostly) cleaned up.  It was a beautiful, cool, summer evening.   We stepped outside to sip some fresh, breezy air before starting the children's bedtime routine.  I nonchalantly whipped out my camera and began to record.  The kids immediately knew something was up.  Mom's trying to capture something again.  What's going on?  My head nodded at Jeremy.  

Well, kids.  We have some news.
Life-changing news?
We're gonna have a baby?
You're right!  Mommy's pregnant!
YES!!!!!! Screamed our oldest.
Shrieks of glee.
Queue a million excited questions all at once.
Our son really feels this baby is a boy.
Little miss touchy-feely immediately placed her hands on my tummy and started talking to the baby.
Our littlest smiled, sat quietly, and went deep into thought.  Then she decided it was a girl, was troubled because she didn't know what to name her, then resolved that the baby would love all of her favorite places and things and she would show them to the new baby once it was born.

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, here is a freeze frame from the video of all their reactions to the happy news.

Needless to say, we are all thrilled!
Overwhelmed with happiness.
Humbled by such a blessing.
There is not a bigger blessing I can think of than partnering with our Father in bringing in a new life.
Blessings hardly ever equal an easy road, and we embrace this.

Now, I shall answer the questions that have been (since we were pregnant with our third) and will be asked en masse.  Probably not by my amazing readers, but it feels good to get it out there, nonetheless:
  1. Yes, we know (and enjoy!) how this works.
  2. No, you don't need to buy us a TV.
  3. Yes, we were "trying."
  4. Yes, we have our hands full and we wouldn't have it any other way.
  5. Yes, we realize we live in a small house and are at peace with that.  We plan on expanding it as soon as enough funds can be saved.  (Probably in a year or two).
Little Riddle #5 is due to make this world a better place early March!

Thank you for celebrating with us!

“Behold, children are a heritage from the
the fruit of the womb a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
are children of one’s youth.

Blessed is the man
who fills his quiver with them!
He shall not be put to shame
when he speaks with his enemies in
the gate."

Psalm 127:3-5

I"m sharing this at Gratituesday.


  1. Excited for you guys! Sorry for the number of overused "jokes" that are coming your way. Thrilled that you've already cut a few of them off at the pass. :-)

  2. yayayayayay! that is the best kind of news! i guessed when i read your title. :)

    my recent post: a surprise waiting in the wilderness

  3. That IS the happiest news!!!!

  4. Hahahahahaha!!!! I'm glad you enjoy how it works ;) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you! Riddles are a good breed to have around!

  5. This. is. hilarious. I love your answers to all the SURELY inevitable questions. Congrats!!!

  6. Amen and congratulations! I love how you confidently let the world know that you are having another even when others might think they have a say otherwise. Children are a blessing from the Lord and His way will be done.

  7. Hi I am a mother of one time I had 4 of my children from birth to age 5.Here were my questions.Are ya'll Catholic? Nope just Christians..filling our Quiver. What are you going to do now? (This was asked when I had a 3 month old and found out I was now pregnant again)..Well I would answer..take one day at a time..stay home even more...and have fun!I so wished I had filmed our s when we told them.Congratulations!!!!!

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham
    Mother of 5 Nana to 11 so

  8. Jennifer Lynn WandlerJune 29, 2011 at 4:22 PM

    This is the best news ever and I LOVE how you answered those questions. hahaha. love it! Congratulations and I hope this pregnancy is a wonderful experience!

  9. Congrats!! I love how each of your kids reacted differently. So cute!

  10. Congratulations!! Good Word! I got chills reading the scripture at the end. My heart overflows with joy for you!!

  11. Congratulations - we are all thrilled for you! I was like, "Hey kids, Guess what? Katie Riddle is pregnant!" They were like, "Whoo-hoo!" Isn't it fun to have people you don't even know rejoicing with you? :D

  12. yay yay yay yay!!!! I Was thinking about it today actually, "when will we get the good news?" I'm so happy for you!!! And it was so great to hang out with you again. To bad we didn't get to hang out more. Love you!!!

  13. Congratulations!!! Such a blessing....children are God's way of telling us that we should live on.

    The pictures are priceless!

  14. Great post. Loved the answer and questions. Too good.
    And we so so happy for you all. Yay for a friend for our little one. ;)

  15. Yay!!!! Yay!!! The BEST news! The world definitely needs some more of your beautiful children.

  16. We were so blessed to share an evening with you while you were here. We wish we were neighbors. :)

  17. What wonderful news! Very excited for you and your sweet family!

  18. So excited for you! I'm all teary-eyed seeing how happy your kiddos are - not all kids react that way these days. Praying for health, well-being, and special times for your family over the coming months as you prepare!

  19. Yay Katie! I am so a fan of big families...We have 5 daughters thus far.
    Really very happy for you!

  20. Oh a very very hearty congrats!!!! A new life is so wonderful and such a blessing!

  21. Congratulations! This is awesome news! So happy for you! You're my model, dream family! Keep the babies coming. <3

  22. Congratulations Katie!I love reading your blog and love this happy news! I am 6 weeks pregnan with #4 and we are having the same reactions! Our oldest is 5. We love our children and wouldn't have it any other way!

  23. Diana@Spain in IowaJune 30, 2011 at 3:31 PM

    Congratulations Katie!!

  24. Congrats on your pregnancy too! What fun!

  25. Oh my goodness! SO very excited for your little family. You're right, children are such a blessing. Congrats.

  26. I'm so excited for you guys, Katie! Yay... for more babies!

  27. Congratulations!!

  28. Oh yay!!! So happy for you guys!!! I loved the part where you said "Little Riddle #5 is due to make this world a better place early March!" So sweet!! Lots of love from our family to yours.

  29. Big, big congratulations to you & your family.

  30. Haha! This is great I love it! I never saw this post :) hilarious answers to yes all those questions lol!!

  31. Just now saw this post after I saw Charis Scofield's news and she referred to it. Love it! Had me in tears and laughing to myself just looking at all their reactions. We are blessed to know your family.


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