
Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Sample Weekly Menu Plan

We've chatted about introducing real food to your kitchen.  I shared my strategy on how I menu plan.  After several requests, I'm finally breaking down and sharing our weekly menu.  There will be more in-depth posts about why we choose what we eat and the rhythm of snack-making, etc.  It's hard not to talk this process through even more, but for now, this post is just the nitty-gritties what a typical weekly menu looks like 'round these parts:

To-do: Trader Joe's run, Make kefir-ranch dressing for tomorrow & thaw 1.5 qt. chicken stock
Breakfast: (A variation of) Soaked, Baked Oatmeal
Snack: kefir smoothies
Lunch: Peanut butter & berry wraps
Snack: Kids' choice (nuts, fruit, raw cheese)
Dinner: Turkey, rice noodle pesto (recipe coming soon)

To-do: Soak quinoa
Breakfast: Grain-Free Peanut butter pancakes
Snack: kefir smoothies
Lunch: Cheesy melt wraps (recipe coming soon)
Snack: Kids' choice of fruit, nuts, raw cheese)
Dinner: Asparagus soup & salad with kefir ranch dressing

To-do: Soak porridge, rice, & thaw 7-bone roast
Breakfast: Cinnamon Apple Bars
Snack: Kefir smoothies
Lunch: PB & H Popcorn, cheese, & fruit slices
Snack: kids' choice of fruit, nuts, raw cheese)
Dinner: (A variation of) Quinoa Casserole & leftover breakfast bars

To-do: Thaw 1.5 quarts beef stock
Breakfast: Porridge & eggs
Snack: Kefir smoothies
Lunch: Grazing trays (recipe coming soon)
Snack: Carrots & peanut butter
Dinner: Top Secret Recipe (coming soon)

To-do: Soak porridge & make Sunday's snack
Breakfast: Raw Summer Berry Tart
Snack: Kefir Smoothies
Lunch: PB & H popcorn, cheese, & fruit
Snack: Free choice
Dinner: 7-bone roast (recipe coming soon) with cortido & creme fraicheThe Real Cheezecake

To-do: Farmer's Market (happy!)
Breakfast: Machaca
Lunch: beef & cheese quesadillas
Snack: kefir smoothies
Dinner: Sol Long Tang & raw, chocolate-dipped strawberries & bananas

To-do: Menu plan for next week (yippee!)
Breakfast: Kefir smoothies & eggs
Snack: grain-free garlic rosemary crackers
Lunch: Leftovers
Snack: Kids' choice: fruit, nuts, raw cheese
Dinner: Other leftovers

Yep.  Sunday is my day off. :)  Happy meal planning!

I'm sharing this at Menu Plan Monday & Monday Mania.


  1. Great post! Making it look easy ... that's what I like :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. Inspiring me to try new things... thanks for sharing!

  3. thanks for inpiration... will be good to try new recipes

  4. Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

    I don't know that I can adequately express how helpful it is to have a guideline to model. :)

  5. Katie thank you so much for sharing!!!! Now to maybe master a few of your meals..... You rock!

  6. Could you provide the recipe for your cinnamon apple bars? Thank you!

  7. Could you provide the recipe for your cinnamon apple bars? Thank you!


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