
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Grain-Free Pigs in a Blanket ~ A Recipe

So here's the deal.  Last weekend, I went out for a special dinner.  We rarely leave our kids with a baby-sitter because, well, we live most of our lives together.  Since I was headed to a festive supper, the kids got to pick their special meal.  They chose boxed mac and cheese with hot dogs.  At least I got the gluten-free kind (with rice noodles) and nitrate-free, organic hot dogs.  Well, there were some hot dogs left over and it's the end of the month.  You know.  When you must use whatever is in the fridge until grocery budgets replenish.  So, out of pure necessity (and thankfully success), I give you...

  Grain-Free Pigs in a Blanket
Makes 16

8 eggs
1/2 cup ghee or melted butter or coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon celtic sea salt
2 cloves garlic, pressed
2/3 cup coconut flour
1 cup cheddar cheese, grated or sliced
4 nitrate-free hot dog franks
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  Grease a cookie sheet (or use an ungreased pizza stone).
  2. Using the whisk attachment, mix together eggs, butter, salt, and garlic.  Add coconut flour and baking powder and beat the batter really well until there are no lumps and the eggs have had a good beating (it sounds harsh, I know, but the key to fluffy, grain-free baked goods is thoroughly beating the eggs).
  3. Drop batter by big spoonfuls onto prepared sheet.  Keep the biscuits plump so you can push hot dog pieces into them.
  4. cut hot dogs into fourths and push one piece in each biscuit.  Sprinkle grated cheese (or place sliced cheese) atop the pigs in the blankets.
  5. Bake for 15 minutes.

Now.  If your family is unfamiliar with coconut breads, it is imperative that you serve these with garnishes.  My kids prefer ketchup.  I smeared mine with mustard and sauerkraut.

Yep, I used red cabbage for this batch of sauerkraut.

After the first bight, my eyes closed.  I kinda had a moment.  As much as hot dogs gross me out, there is just something about them with mustard and that irresistibly salty sauerkraut.

Also take note that coconut flour baked goods are way more filling than wheat breads.  You might want to make a half-recipe first to see if they work for your family.  One of these thingies is enough for each of my kids.  Jer and I were stuffed after two.


  1. This is perfect. My husband has been craving hot dogs - the spring time weather has him itching to get out and grill - but we didn't know what to do about the bread part. I'm going to try these! Thanks!!

  2. oh this is def going to be a try for me! i have never used coconut flour.

  3. UPDATE: We made these last night - they were good! I had a couple of mishaps in the process...First off, I preheated the oven, went to put the pigs in a blanket in, only to realize that I still had my kefir cultures in there!! So there went those... Then, I added just a tad bit less coconut flour than the recipe called for because I always find coconut flour breads too heavy, but... that meant that all the "blankets" kind of morphed into one BIG blanket... But they still tasted pretty good! I'm not a huge coconut flour fan, but mustard on these guys really is delicious! And yes, after two of them, I was stuffed as well.

  4. Thanks for the input, and I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your kefir *sniff*. That hurts. Yep, it's all about the mustard (and sauerkraut, in my opinion) to make these guys pop. :)

  5. Have never used Coconut flour, why is it imperative to serve with garnishes? Does it taste bad?

  6. Coconut flour is a bit dryer-feeling, so garnishes help moisten it.

  7. that sounds and looks gorgeous!

  8. Nice, I finally got around to getting some coconut flour and I know my man would just go nuts for these. I can get some really nice sausages at our farmers market. That sauerkraut sure is sexy! Please add this recipe to our Grain-Free Tuesday Bloghop!

  9. This is in our oven right now...I'm so excited! I mixed the cheese into the batter so we wouldn't lose any when baking, and I added a bit on top too. I'll let you know how they turn out. Thanks for posting this!

  10. Yum! Those were amazing!

  11. Hi Katie,
    I am really enjoying your blog, we are big fans of your husband's music and really admire your counter cultural choices towards a big, healthy family.
    I would love to pin your recipes. Do you have a pin it tool on your blog?


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