
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Getting Outside

Inside is comfy, cozy, safe.
Books are read, hair is brushed and put up in "pretties," breakfast is enjoyed.  
But oh, to step outside this trailer door...

(I just had to make that capture look as backwoods as possible.  We live in a trailer on a mountain, after all.)
{Find out why here.}
Right outside the door are happy sunflowers, some thinking about opening up for the world to enjoy,

others in full bloom.

And there are squeals of delight and shouts of triumph when someone gets "jumped" and lands on his feet.

And yes, we live in a trailer and have a giant trampoline set up next to it.  If you're looking for words to describe us, just call us originals.  Or The Redneck Riddles.  It's been said before.  We don't mind.  Really.  Because I hang the wash on the line right behind our trailer home.  I love my clothesline.

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