
Friday, April 9, 2010

T Minus 21 Days ~ Giggle

Today is filled with cleaning and condensing and cleaning.  The first viewers for the house come in the morning, and there are plenty of little fingerprints to scrub from walls and windows to keep busy until midnight, not to mention a certain clingy 22-month-old who's presently squirming in my lap.  She definitely senses something's up.  It was easy to feel at first that she was slowing down the cleaning process until I realized she needed some comfort while she processed.  So fingerprints be darned (or have mercy, either one), I'm working with one hand; the other one's holding a sweet baby who needs to feel secure.

Last week, while grocery shopping, I spotted something that seemed quite fitting for our new living quarters.  It was on clearance, so I bought myself a little housewarming gift.  If you have ever seen a trailer park, you know these babies are essential.  In three weeks from today, we'll get to adorn our trailer porch with these little lovelies:
It's not too tacky... right?
~Read the archives of this journey here.~

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