Friday, February 5, 2010

A Home-Spun Giveaway

I was going to gush about how amazing this music is.  How it should win every grammy.  How my husband, er, Jeremy Riddle is one of the most gifted musicians in all of recorded history.  But Jeremy asked me not to, so I won't.  We'll just get straight to the giveaway then...

Here's what we're giving away, from our home to yours:
~Full Attention (the album with Sweetly Broken on it)
~The Now & the Not Yet (the newest full album)
~ UPDATE: How He Loves is completely sold out and currently not in print, so this giveaway is for the other 2 albums only.  Sorry.

This giveaway begins Friday, February 5, 2010 at 10:00am PST and ends Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 4:00pm PST.  We're extending this giveaway to all four corners of the earth; international entries are welcome for this one. :)

1.  Comment below what your favorite song of Jer's is (if you've ever heard one, that is).  Why?  Because I'm nosy.
2.  Follow my blog. If you already do, thank you!  Post another comment that you're following for an entry. 

3.   Follow me on twitter. If you already do, thank you!  Post yet another comment that states you're following for an entry. 
4.  Tweeting about this giveaway gives you a fourth entry, just leave your tweet link in a separate comment. *note* Although you are of course welcome to tweet about this more than once :), only one entry for tweeting, please.
5. Post a Facebook link to this giveaway.  Leave a link to your post in a separate comment.
6 Blog about this giveaway, linking back to riddlelove and Jeremy Riddle. Leave a link to your post in a separate comment.

Just so we're clear, 1 comment=1entry.  If you want more than one entry, do more than one of the above (up to 6) and leave a comment about each way you entered. (Example: Comment 1: "I follow your blog."  Now post a different comment: "I posted a link to this giveaway on Facebook." etc.)

I will go to to pick a winner on February 10th, 2010 at 4PM PST.  I'll post the winning result shortly afterwards that afternoon.  The winner will have 48 hours to contact me.  If I don't hear from him/her by then, I will pick another winner.  Happy Valentine's Day from our family to yours!



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