Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cuckoo for Coconuts

For $1.49 each, I get:
The excuse to buy a little more authority in the kitchen for $6.50.  Yes, it's stainless steal.  Yes Julia Child would be most displeased...
...but now I can do this with one incredibly satisfying whack.
And with that $1.49 purchase, we get 2 cups coconut water; one of the purest electrolyte beverages known to man.  I recently read that it takes 1 liter of mineral-rich water the palm absorbs from deep within the soil 9 months to filter from the roots to the coconut.  Talk about filtered water...
The young husk also gives my little flock tasty, nourishing treats that in turn gives us tasty, nourishing eggs.
And when the hens are done, that hard shell that's left makes great kindling.
But before you hand the outer husks over to the chickens & burn the shell, you get to spoon out 1 cup of the silky, sweet meat that makes raw puddings.
And lots of other yummy things.  
100% of it used.
No waste. 


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