After blogging about attachment parenting, being able to host this giveaway is most exciting. Let me just start by saying that I've been a more-than-satisfied customer of The Homegrown Family for over four years. Their site is easy to navigate, their shipping is faster than I've ever experienced, and their pricing is so affordable. It's a site that carries tailor-made products to enrich & help the home life. I was absolutely blown away when they offered to give away a Black-with-retro-lining Ergo Baby Carrier (valued at $105) here at my lil' blog!
If you've never heard of an Ergo Baby (I'll try to stifle a *gasp*), check this video out (scroll down a wee bit to see it). I can't help but chortle at the martial arts demo, but it really does get the point across that nothing can get in your way of doing life while wearing a baby. Hehe.
It's the most comfortable carrier I've worn, it can hold babies from 5-90 pounds, and it's super-easy to nurse in. A stroller seems like a hassle to lug in & out of the car when you can just strap your baby close to you & off you go on your daily errands. I've worn a 20-month-old all day throughout the trails of Disneyland,
when I was preggers with our fourth, my husband wore our 2-year-old throughout the Pennsylvania countryside,
and all around Philly.
Okay, okay, I'll refrain posting more family pictures. You get the idea...
It wears like a backpack; the cutest, cuddliest little back pack in the world. :)
This contest begins Thursday, January 28th, 2010 at 9:00 am PST and ends Thursday, February 4th, 2010 at 9:00 pm PST.
*** North American entries only. Sorry, international friends. ***
There are SIX possible entries per person. How badly do you want this thing???
1. Subscribe to The Homegrown Family's newsletter. Leave a comment at the end of this post stating you signed up.
2. Follow my blog. If you already do, thank you! Post another comment that you're following for an entry.
3. Follow me on twitter. If you already do, thank you! Post yet another comment that you're following for an entry.
4. Tweeting about this giveaway gives you a fourth entry, just leave your tweet link in a separate comment.
5. Go to The Homegrown Family, then come back here and post a comment about an item of theirs you would put on your wish list.
2. Follow my blog. If you already do, thank you! Post another comment that you're following for an entry.
3. Follow me on twitter. If you already do, thank you! Post yet another comment that you're following for an entry.
4. Tweeting about this giveaway gives you a fourth entry, just leave your tweet link in a separate comment.
5. Go to The Homegrown Family, then come back here and post a comment about an item of theirs you would put on your wish list.
6. Blog about this giveaway, linking back to riddlelove and The Homegrown Family. Leave a link to your post in a separate comment.
I will go to to pick a winner on February 4th at 9PM PST. I'll post the winning result that night & the winner will have 48 hours to contact me. If I don't hear from him/her by then, I will pick another winner. Happy Early Valentine's Day to you & your babe from The Homegrown Family & riddlelove!