
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Atmosphere Thursday ~ Happy Togetherness

There's no better feeling than being connected with loved ones.  Life just seems lighter, happier, & more joyful when the warm fuzzies are flowing.  With the wee ones, (well, and with me if I'm honest) physical closeness is directly correlated with emotional connectedness.  Quick fact: babies who are worn cry 43% less.  Happy baby, happy parents, happy home atmosphere.  Besides, what better way to get some good exercise in than cleaning house with a baby on your back?

After wearing babies for over eight years & trying multiple carriers/slings, my absolute favorite is the Ergo Baby Carrier, hands down. Want to learn more?  Or how about, want to win one???!!!  The Homegrown Family has very graciously allowed me to host an Ergo Baby giveaway!  Click here to enter!

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