
Monday, November 16, 2009

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner! has chosen a winner for my Coconut Oil Giveaway!  It was comment number seventeen who is none other than my old friend, Camille over at Amidst The Peace and Chaos!  Congrats!!!  Camille, if you can email me your address, I'll send it out stat. :)  Thanks to all who participated in my first giveaway.  That was fun!  I hope to do many more giveaways, promoting products I use to aid in the health and well-being of our family and that can be enjoyed by you and yours.


  1. It was fun. Don't understand it a lick...worked hard and even made an email just to participate :) I sound bored and believe you me...I am not! :)

  2. Laura, you're too cute!

    Blog giveaways are becoming more popular. It's almost-free advertising for the company, Katie gets to attract more readers to her blog (who hopefully click on the ads, and in turn hopefully make her some extra money), and someone gets a free product!

    It's the new word of mouth. We like Katie, and we think she does amazing things, so when she says she likes a product, of course we want to win it! Then we visit the website, a few of us might buy, so the maker of the product gets more business. We use our FB, twitter, blogs, etc to earn more entries, the word gets spread, and more people will come to win!


I value your feedback. Thanks for taking the time to share yours!